I have dedicated my practice to serving the legal needs of the residents of Northwest Indiana: Porter County, Lake County, LaPorte County, and the surrounding communities.
Legal Research
Ask a legal question and i will let you know if I can answer it. If so, then the fee is $40.00. You will transfer the money into a PayPal account and I will answer your question. Typically, an answer is one or two paragraphs. After you receive the answer, you have three days to advise me that my are not satisfied. If you are not satisfied, then the money is returned to you. Otherwise, the money is transferred to me.
A memorandum develops a legal issue and is typically 2-3 pages. It will cite case law or statutes to support the information given. The procedure is that you will ask me to develop a legal memorandum on an issue. I will tell you whether I can do this and if so, I will quote you a fee. If you agree, then you transfer the money into a PayPal account. I then prepare and email you the memorandum. You then have three days to advise me you are not satisfied. If you are not satisfied, then the matter can be submitted to arbitration. Otherwise, the money is transferred to me.